December 2023

Many new mothers report no physician advice on infant sleep position, breastfeeding – National Institutes of Health (.gov)

More »Search Health TopicsQuick LinksMore »Quick LinksMore »Quick LinksMore »Quick LinksMore »Quick LinksMore »Quick LinksNews ReleaseMonday, July 27, 2015 NIH-funded survey finds consistent advice lacking on infant care recommendations.Many new mothers do not receive advice from physicians on aspects of infant care such as sleep position, breastfeeding, immunization and pacifier use, according to a study […]

Many new mothers report no physician advice on infant sleep position, breastfeeding – National Institutes of Health (.gov) Read More »

Advice to begin your career as a dentist – Dentistry IQ

Graduating dental school is a wonderful and exciting achievement. However, many students leave graduation feeling stressed and anxious. No wonder, as the average dental student accrues $200,000 to $400,000 in debt as a result of their schooling.The debt does not end there. Many dental graduates choose to start their own practices, as they believe this

Advice to begin your career as a dentist – Dentistry IQ Read More »

Breastfeeding – World Health Organization

Breastfeeding is one of the most effective ways to ensure child health and survival. However, contrary to WHO recommendations, fewer than half of infants under 6 months old are exclusively breastfed.Breastmilk is the ideal food for infants. It is safe, clean and contains antibodies which help protect against many common childhood illnesses. Breastmilk provides all

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