The many benefits of using neem twigs or datun to brush your teeth – The Indian Express

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Dental hygiene is an essential component of overall well-being. Which is why, in case of any dental issues, it is important to identify and address the root cause. But sometimes, doing the simplest things can make a lot of difference — one of them being brushing the teeth with neem twigs that are known to counter bad breath, among other oral hygiene issues.
Chewing gums to spraying our mouth with artificial fresheners, we do all to keep our breath in check. But these quick fixes won’t solve the root cause. Use neem twigs or datun which has number of benefits,” nutritionist Nidhi Gupta said on Instagram.
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Brushing teeth with neem twigs releases neem oil which has strong anti microbial and anti-bacterial properties, added Gupta.
How does it help?
*Prevents plaque formation
*Strengthens gums
*Eliminates bad odour
*Makes teeth white
“Lately, I have started using this for my oral hygiene. I don’t use it everyday, yet make it a point to brush my teeth with it at least twice a week to reap its benefits,” she mentioned.
How to use it?
*Break the twig.
*Start chewing it. Wash it well before using.
“Before brushing your teeth with the twig, you can also apply a mix of salt and mustard oil. The combination of salt and mustard oil is said to strengthen teeth and gums,” said Gupta.
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